
Storytelling is one of the foundations of our culture. We can create connections by sharing stories – especially those that offer inspiration and hope. Recovery in mental health is not always well understood; sharing your story makes personal recovery come alive. It also supports values and strengthens lessons learned from life experiences. It helps to build community and create connections.

You can find lots of inspirational stories; use the search bar at the top to find stories relevant to you. To return to this page after a search, please press the back button in your browser.

Alternatively if you are a registered student and would like to write your story and want to share it, please contact us. You can read about other students experiences on our testimonials page and learn more about getting involved on our student development programme page.

How to improve your digital skills and gain access to equipment

Site Administrator
04 October 2021

How to improve your digital skills and gain access to equipment

Virtual learning to continue

Our courses are delivered either using the online Zoom platform or in the classroom in our campuses across Hertfordshire. Due to the COVID-19 situation and adhering to the NHS and Government guidance, we have moved all face-to-face courses due to take place in November and December back online; to be delivered via Zoom.

We know that isolation and loneliness is higher than ever, and that the impact of COVID-19 has increased people’s concerns about finances, relationships and their physical health among other concerns; however support is available and we will still be delivering our courses online via Zoom

For those concerned about getting online or accessing Zoom, below are some tips and resources you can access for support.

Practicing using Zoom and other applications  

  • Some organisations will host sessions to help you upskill and practice using technology to access support online. Below are some of the resources you can access:

    • Local library members can take IT for beginner sessions and has an IT champion whose job is to help people access the internet
    • There are a number of free IT courses online, such as those via the national carers service
  • Zoom hosts free training sessions and there are a number of free online videos for beginners on YouTube
  • Students can also take our ‘getting comfortable with Zoom’ workshop, which is designed with giving people the opportunity to practice using Zoom in a safe and non-judgemental environment
  • Perhaps try asking your family or friends to practice with you

Locating equipment

  • Those who join their local library as a member can use their computers for free for one hour.
    • Our seminars are 45 minutes and members can pay for extra time at discounted rates for courses that are longer.
    • You can find your local library online or by calling 0300 1234049. The library also offers IT lessons for beginners
  • Check if you can receive funding to buy equipment from the Royal British Legion.
    • Those that have served or families of those that have served can contact them by calling 0333 258 5463
  • Contact various digital inclusion charities who can provide devices; such as:

As well as joining our courses, there are many other positive steps that you can take to reduce isolation and loneliness; including: 

  1. Looking after your mental health, whatever that means for you!
  2. Discovering / reflecting on your purpose
  3. Telling your friends, family, neighbours or colleagues that you appreciate them
  4. Using service and apps, such as chatbots or helplines dedicated for offering support. Ssee our further help handout for more information 
  5. Joining creative or learning based activities, whether face-to-face or online
  6. Pet an animal (tip: you can borrow other people’s animals!)
  7. Volunteer, join a club or give back to those in need
  8. Say yes to meeting with others, whether face-to-face or over the internet
  9. Develop your skills or learn something new
  10. Join online communities, like writing groups, interior design or dog owner groups

Our latest blog post 'reducing loneliness and isolation' discusses these steps in more detail. 


