Wellbeing tips, tools, student blogs and professional articles
Wellbeing tips, tools, student blogs and professional articles

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Hearing about the experiences of others, and sharing tools and tips to support recovery, is one of the foundations of our culture. We can create connections by sharing about our lived experience – especially those that offer inspiration and hope. Recovery in mental health is not always well understood; sharing your experiences makes personal recovery come alive. It also supports values and strengthens lessons learned from life experiences. It helps to build community and create connections.

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If you are a registered student and would like to share about your experience, please contact us. You can read more student experiences on our testimonials page and student development programme page.


To make our website and newsletters more accessible from 2025 onwards, all blogs, tips and articles published in our e-newsletters will be published on this page. You can also read PDF newsletters published before 2025.

Men's Mental Health Month
Blog, Resilience, Men's health

Men's Mental Health Month

Reducing stigma and starting important conversations around mental health for men

Follow Phill's story and advice for men. Download a copy of the three-page document listing national and local services specifically helping men to reduce the stigma and start important conversations about their mental health.

Movement for wellbeing
Blog, Keeping active and physical exercise, Self-care

Movement for wellbeing

How making it a part of your holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing will benefit you.

When considering techniques to improve mental health, New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College recommends that individuals take a holistic approach and utilise practical tools to support positive changes. Read the blog to find out why and how you can incorprate movement into your everyday life. 

Antidepressants to help personal recovery
Blog, Interview, Resilience, Self-care

Antidepressants to help personal recovery

Paulami,  Mental Health Pharmacist, provides some helpful information on how antidepressant medication can help with personal

My transition from male to female.
Blog, Interview, LGBT+, Self-acceptance, Opportunity building

My transition from male to female.

How LGBT+ networking can drive positive change

Samantha, commercial director in a major Construction Company, talks about her transition from male to female and how LGBT+ networking can drive change.

Transformation is achievable
Blog, Interview, LGBT+, Self-acceptance

Transformation is achievable

From using services to empowering real change in the services I used. Dawn's story.

In this raw blog, you’ll read about the personal and professional transformation of Dawn, who shows that anyone can go from using mental health services to becoming the empowering force behind real change in the way Hertfordshire professionals support people with mental health challenges.

6 mental health recovery-focused techniques to help your child speak up about what matters.
Blog, Campaign, Children's mental health

6 mental health recovery-focused techniques to help your child speak up about what matters.

Children's Mental Health Week

This article provides some tips on how to use recovery-focused tactics to empower yourself and your child and support wellbeing and mental health

Why gardening brings me joy
Blog, Keeping active and physical exercise, Creativity for wellbeing, Spiritual self-care, Nature and wellbeing

Why gardening brings me joy

In this interview, Susanna shares how gardening helps her wellbeing, and the small steps anyone can take to get started. 

Blog, LGBT+


A student poem

Cameron shares their experience of pulling away their mask and 'seeing their authentic self' for the first time. Euphoria is a poem about celebrating PRIDE month, self-acceptance, hope, overcoming self-stigma, and feeling proud of oneself.