Students can choose from our online courses, via the free platform Zoom, and our face to face courses in local Hertfordshire venues. For those who would like to practice using Zoom before joining our courses, take a look at our resources page.
Our courses are popular and can often get booked up quickly. If you find the course you want to attend is fully booked, please get in touch with us to be added to the waiting list.
If you have booked a place on a course that you can no longer attend, please log into your account or contact us to cancel your place so that other students have the opportunity to attend.
Please click on the' Book Now' button to find out more about our courses or book online.
Our courses are free for anyone 18+ living in Hertfordshire.
A prescription for happiness.
Really useful and helpful; great tutors with a good knowledge of the subject who included us all in discussion.
Meeting others on the course reduced the isolation I was feeling. These courses helped me regain control over my life and have enabled me to change my own outlook and situation. Since joining the college, I’ve rediscovered my identity, improved my sleep, gained the confidence to return to work, taken on new personal challenges, explored boundaries, overcome relationship barriers and regained my sense of purpose. I’m grateful for the caring tutors as well as the other students who are now friends
The facilitators were welcoming and Kind. I liked the use of life experience and that the experts were willing to share their knowledge. They allowed us to contribute and interact in the course as much or as little as we wanted.
The manner in which the tutors presented the course was very knowledgeable, engaging, and friendly. The slides they referred to were well written and user friendly. The topic itself was amazing, especially the bit explaining how stress and anxiety relates to pain in the biochemical sense
The tutor and expert by experience were both fabulous and had great personal experience. It was lovely to be able to see the other participant’s faces. I enjoyed working in the same group for the 3 break out rooms as we got to know each other a little and see each other’s progression throughout the course
The breakout groups were great. it was a lovely supportive group that were very friendly. Listening to a person who has been through and others that are currently going through aspects where they hope to have a dream. The ideas and links to thinks that could help you.
I used to be afraid to tell employers about my challenges, but their employment seminar gave me the encouragement I needed. Whilst working for the college, I have received amazing support. Sharing about my needs has completely transformed the way I experience things and I no longer feel ashamed about my challenges. Thank You for great support and an inspiring seminar; highly recommended
I never realised just how much I was missing by not living in the moment. This has inspired me to join the full mindfulness course.
Great courses. Tutors and class supports all excellent. Really helping me in my recovery.
I highly recommend all of these courses and have found them so helpful during my recovery. I have also met some fantastic people!
Really opened my eyes to what I need to do to improve my wellbeing; facilitators very knowledgeable. A light bulb moment was when the Tutor said "Depression doesn't define who you are'
I have been a student of New Leaf Wellbeing College since last June. After applying to become a volunteer I also decided to join The Student Development Programme. Over six-sessions which I am currently partaking in, I have really enjoyed learning from other students in our small group. We each set learning goals before the workshops in an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This gives us a focus to work towards.
I find all the courses I have attended to be very informative
I liked structure of the course, the tutors and the personal story
I am not known for my sense of direction, both in the literal sense and my life path. Having become a student I can now see a way out of the metaphorical paper bag. The college has opened my eyes to many new paths
The tutors were friendly and knowledgeable. I like that the college does not refer to our symptoms as 'conditions
If you want some help to find a course that's right for you or you'd like to put your name down for a course that's not currently running, please get in touch with us!
Please contact us
or give us a call on:
01442 864 966