Welcome to our FAQ's page. If we have not answered your question here, please feel free to contact us.

How do I enrol?

The quickest and easiest way to enrol in the college is to complete the online enrolment form. Alternatively, you can complete a paper application, call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

If you enrol online, you will automatically be created a student login area, and will need to enter an email address and a password.

Can someone else help me enrol?

Yes. Anyone can help you enrol online, over the phone or via post.

When you enrol online, you will automatically be created a student login area, and will need to enter an email address and a password.

If you need help from one of our team to enrol online or over the phone, please call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net.

Alternatively, you can ask a professional within the NHS to help refer you.

How long are your courses?

Our courses vary in length to ensure students are given the best possible learning experience. Some courses are forty-five minutes long per session, some are two hours long and others are three hours long per session. Some courses are one session, while others are covered over multiple sessions.

For more information about the length of each course, please go to the course A-Z page.

Where can I see the date of a course?
You can find out dates, times and locations of courses by clicking on book a course.

Who can attend your courses?

Anyone over 18 living in Hertfordshire can attend our courses. Students do not need a diagnosis to enrol. 

How can I book a course?

You can book a course by going to our book a course page or our course A-Z


Can I join a course without booking in advance?

No you are unable to attend any course without first enrolling and then booking a course.

When do your courses run?

As a college our academic years runs over three terms. Our academic terms run three times a year in:

  • Autumn September – December
  • Spring  January – March
  • Summer April – July
How many times can I attend a course?

You can attend as many courses that you feel would aid your recovery. You may attend any course as many times as you would like.

We regularly review and optimise our courses and you may wish to consider taking the same course more than once.

Where can I view the courses I have booked?

You can view, cancel and provide feedback for the courses you have booked onto by logging into your account or (once logged in) by clicking on the account button.

To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

If you do not see a course that you have booked onto in your account area, please contact the team administrator on 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

Can someone else attend with me?

For safety reasons, we are limited to the number of people who can be in the classroom; and as such, require anyone who wants to attend with you to enrol in the college and in the course.

Alternatively, we have a number of classroom supports who may be able to assist you. If you would like to discuss how we can support you to attend, please contact us on 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net


How do I know if a course is running?

Please go to Book a Course page, which has up to date details of course availability.

Alternatively please contact the team administrator at to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966.

The course I was to join is fully booked, what do I do?

If you would like to attend a course that has been fully booked, you may request to be added to the waiting list. Please send your request to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966. The team administrator will contact you when a space becomes available.

Do you take new course suggestions?

Yes. Please send new course suggestions to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net 

Where are courses held?

We use several venues across Hertfordshire and the online platform Zoom. Details of where a course or seminar will run are on the Book a Course page.

Why am I asked to cancel my place if I cannot attend?

Due to limit in the number of students that can attend a course, we ask that you cancel your place if you are no longer able to attend.  

How do I decide which courses to take?

We believe you are the expert in your own recovery and encourage you to take a proactive approach to select the right course for you.

You can view details of each course on our course A-Z as well as try some exercises in the ‘welcome journal’; accessible from your account page. To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

If you need support, you can still contact us at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call 01442 864966 to find out more about each course.

Is there parking?

Our venues have been selected with transport and parking in mind, and you can find out more about how to get to our venues here.



What facilities do your venues have?

To find out more about the facilities at each of our venues, please visit our venues page.


What are your expectations of students during the course

Our expectations are that all students will adhere to the college’s code of conduct. The college code of conduct is a set of responsibilities that we ask our students to respect whilst they are a student at the college. This includes abiding by values such as showing respect, valuing everyone’s voice and being ready to learn.

To find out more about how to prepare for each of our courses, visit the ‘how to prepare’ page linked to via your account. To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

What if I need to leave during the course?

Whilst our courses are informal, we encourage you to complete the course. However, we understand that sometimes other commitments may mean you might need to leave the course early.


How are the courses delivered?
Classes and seminars may include some of the following:

  • Videos
  • Discussions
  • Practical exercises
  • Physical exercises
  • Written exercises
  • Ice breakers
  • Raising and answering questions
  • PowerPoint presentations
How are the courses developed

After consultation we will co-produce our courses with people with practice tutors and people with a lived experiences of mental health challenges.

Co-production is at the heart of the college. Co-production makes sure people with lived experience are equal partners, recognising they have experience and knowledge, which is used to develop our courses

What does co-production and co-facilitation mean?

Co-production means the courses are produced jointly, and take into consideration the lived expediencies of the students, the expert knowledge of the professionals within that field of study and as well as tutors and development managers.

Our courses are co-produced by students, experts, our curriculum board and the development managers of the college. Courses are reviewed often to ensure that our students have the most up to date information, tips and resources.

Co-facilitation means that our courses are delivered jointly by a tutor and a lived experience tutor. They collaborate and work together to facilitate (deliver) the course to provide our students with the best possible learning experience.


How do I cancel my place?

You can cancel your attendance to our courses by pressing the cancel button in your student account, by emailing newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or calling 01442 864966.

Joining the college and our courses is a commitment to yourself and your own personal recovery journey.

If you are concerned about attending, please contact us to discuss how we can support you.


What happens if I am unable to cancel my place?

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to attend our courses.

Our courses are popular and often have long waiting lists, so we encourage all students to cancel their place as soon as possible. It is also a requirement for us to monitor attendance, and thus those who continually do not attend without cancelling their place may have to re-enrol with the college.

However, we like to support our students where possible. If you are having difficulties attending our courses, please contact the team administrator, who will direct your call to someone who can discuss what support we can offer you.


Can I join a course after I have cancelled my place?

Once you have cancelled your place, your name is taken off the register and your place may be offered to someone else on the waiting list.

If you have cancelled your place but would like to re-join, please re-register for the course online. Alternatively, you can re-register by emailing newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or calling 01442 864966.


Why am I asked to provide feedback about a course?

Your views are important to the college. We ask that you fill either an on-line or a paper evaluation form after each course. We use your feedback to ensure we make positive changes to the services we offer. Your feedback can be collected via email, completing a feedback form or by submitting a testimonial.

Visit our privacy policy page for more information about how we store and use data in accordance with GDPR practice.

What is your complaints procedure?

Please submit any concerns and queries to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net. We will then aim to return your email within 10 working days.


How do I submit a testimonial?

Please submit your testimonials via Newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

What is the student council and how can I contact them?

The role of the Student Council is to represent the voice of the students at the College.

As well as allowing students the facility to have their opinions heard, students can join and run the Student Council to help them grow in their personal recovery and develop their skills.

To find out more or get in touch with members of the student council, please visit our dedicated student council page. 

What is the difference between a practice tutor and lived experience tutor?

Practice tutors have specialist subject knowledge, and lived experience tutors have personal experience of using recovery appraoches to manage their mental health and wellbeing.

Both practice tutord and lived experience tutors co-produce and co-facilitate our courses and seminars together to ensure students have a quality learning experience.


How can I become a lived experience tutor?

If you are a student and would like to explore becoming a lived experience tutor, please call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

You may also be interested in reading lived experience tutor student sucess stories on our student development programme page.

What else can I do to aid my recovery?

We believe you are an expert in your own recovery and encourage you to take control. By attending our courses you are already on your journey, and may find the following pages helpful. 

What are the different ways to get involved?

At New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College, we believe in the power of opportunity to transform lives. Whether you’re seeking meaningful employment, looking to invest in your personal recovery, or eager to get involved in co-productions and healthcare research, you’re in the right place. No matter where you are in your journey, our opportunities are here to help you take the next step toward a brighter future. Discover more on our opportunities page.

Can I volunteer

At New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College, we believe in the power of opportunity to transform lives. Whether you’re seeking meaningful employment, looking to invest in your personal recovery, or eager to get involved in co-productions and healthcare research, you’re in the right place. No matter where you are in your journey, our opportunities are here to help you take the next step toward a brighter future. For information about volunteering, visit our opportunities page.


What is the student development programme?

The Student Development Programme (the Programme) is an excellent opportunity for students to advance in their recovery and achieve their personal goals, including those considering taking up new activities, volunteering, or employment. It is for any student at the College who want to learn more about recovery, move forward despite life’s challenges and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem. It is an extended programme of learning over several terms and is particularly suitable for students that have a lived experience of mental health challenges and feel they are in a place of recovery at the moment.

If you would like to find out more, please contact us at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

Who do I contact about courses?

Please send all course related enquiries to our team administrator at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966.

How do I contact the college?

You can contact us by:

Who do I contact for support?

If you are looking for support, please contact our team administrator. They will forward your query to someone who can discuss your options. Please contact the college to discuss any support needs you may have.

Who do I contact about marketing and press

Please contact our marketing and press department at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

How do I support someone to join the college?

We encourage people to self-enrol into the college, however we do appreciate that some people may require a little support to access our courses.

Anyone can support someone to enrol and attend the college. Please contact us if you need any support.


Can I request information about someone I have referred?

All information we hold about our students is confidential. Therefore, we are unable to provide details about attendance or experience to anyone other than the individual themselves.


Do you have materials I can share?

Please contact our marketing department at newlef.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net for information or to request materials.


How do I enrol?

The quickest and easiest way to enrol in the college is to complete the online enrolment form. Alternatively, you can complete a paper application, call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

If you enrol online, you will automatically be created a student login area, and will need to enter an email address and a password.

Can someone else help me enrol?

Yes. Anyone can help you enrol online, over the phone or via post.

When you enrol online, you will automatically be created a student login area, and will need to enter an email address and a password.

If you need help from one of our team to enrol online or over the phone, please call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net.

Alternatively, you can ask a professional within the NHS to help refer you.

How long are your courses?

Our courses vary in length to ensure students are given the best possible learning experience. Some courses are forty-five minutes long per session, some are two hours long and others are three hours long per session. Some courses are one session, while others are covered over multiple sessions.

For more information about the length of each course, please go to the course A-Z page.

Where can I see the date of a course?
You can find out dates, times and locations of courses by clicking on book a course.

Who can attend your courses?

Anyone over 18 living in Hertfordshire can attend our courses. Students do not need a diagnosis to enrol. 

How can I book a course?

You can book a course by going to our book a course page or our course A-Z


Can I join a course without booking in advance?

No you are unable to attend any course without first enrolling and then booking a course.

When do your courses run?

As a college our academic years runs over three terms. Our academic terms run three times a year in:

  • Autumn September – December
  • Spring  January – March
  • Summer April – July
How many times can I attend a course?

You can attend as many courses that you feel would aid your recovery. You may attend any course as many times as you would like.

We regularly review and optimise our courses and you may wish to consider taking the same course more than once.

Where can I view the courses I have booked?

You can view, cancel and provide feedback for the courses you have booked onto by logging into your account or (once logged in) by clicking on the account button.

To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

If you do not see a course that you have booked onto in your account area, please contact the team administrator on 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

Can someone else attend with me?

For safety reasons, we are limited to the number of people who can be in the classroom; and as such, require anyone who wants to attend with you to enrol in the college and in the course.

Alternatively, we have a number of classroom supports who may be able to assist you. If you would like to discuss how we can support you to attend, please contact us on 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net


How do I know if a course is running?

Please go to Book a Course page, which has up to date details of course availability.

Alternatively please contact the team administrator at to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966.

The course I was to join is fully booked, what do I do?

If you would like to attend a course that has been fully booked, you may request to be added to the waiting list. Please send your request to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966. The team administrator will contact you when a space becomes available.

Do you take new course suggestions?

Yes. Please send new course suggestions to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net 

Where are courses held?

We use several venues across Hertfordshire and the online platform Zoom. Details of where a course or seminar will run are on the Book a Course page.

Why am I asked to cancel my place if I cannot attend?

Due to limit in the number of students that can attend a course, we ask that you cancel your place if you are no longer able to attend.  

How do I decide which courses to take?

We believe you are the expert in your own recovery and encourage you to take a proactive approach to select the right course for you.

You can view details of each course on our course A-Z as well as try some exercises in the ‘welcome journal’; accessible from your account page. To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

If you need support, you can still contact us at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call 01442 864966 to find out more about each course.

Is there parking?

Our venues have been selected with transport and parking in mind, and you can find out more about how to get to our venues here.



What facilities do your venues have?

To find out more about the facilities at each of our venues, please visit our venues page.


What are your expectations of students during the course

Our expectations are that all students will adhere to the college’s code of conduct. The college code of conduct is a set of responsibilities that we ask our students to respect whilst they are a student at the college. This includes abiding by values such as showing respect, valuing everyone’s voice and being ready to learn.

To find out more about how to prepare for each of our courses, visit the ‘how to prepare’ page linked to via your account. To get an account, you will need to enrol with the college.

What if I need to leave during the course?

Whilst our courses are informal, we encourage you to complete the course. However, we understand that sometimes other commitments may mean you might need to leave the course early.


How are the courses delivered?
Classes and seminars may include some of the following:

  • Videos
  • Discussions
  • Practical exercises
  • Physical exercises
  • Written exercises
  • Ice breakers
  • Raising and answering questions
  • PowerPoint presentations
How are the courses developed

After consultation we will co-produce our courses with people with practice tutors and people with a lived experiences of mental health challenges.

Co-production is at the heart of the college. Co-production makes sure people with lived experience are equal partners, recognising they have experience and knowledge, which is used to develop our courses

What does co-production and co-facilitation mean?

Co-production means the courses are produced jointly, and take into consideration the lived expediencies of the students, the expert knowledge of the professionals within that field of study and as well as tutors and development managers.

Our courses are co-produced by students, experts, our curriculum board and the development managers of the college. Courses are reviewed often to ensure that our students have the most up to date information, tips and resources.

Co-facilitation means that our courses are delivered jointly by a tutor and a lived experience tutor. They collaborate and work together to facilitate (deliver) the course to provide our students with the best possible learning experience.


How do I cancel my place?

You can cancel your attendance to our courses by pressing the cancel button in your student account, by emailing newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or calling 01442 864966.

Joining the college and our courses is a commitment to yourself and your own personal recovery journey.

If you are concerned about attending, please contact us to discuss how we can support you.


What happens if I am unable to cancel my place?

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to attend our courses.

Our courses are popular and often have long waiting lists, so we encourage all students to cancel their place as soon as possible. It is also a requirement for us to monitor attendance, and thus those who continually do not attend without cancelling their place may have to re-enrol with the college.

However, we like to support our students where possible. If you are having difficulties attending our courses, please contact the team administrator, who will direct your call to someone who can discuss what support we can offer you.


Can I join a course after I have cancelled my place?

Once you have cancelled your place, your name is taken off the register and your place may be offered to someone else on the waiting list.

If you have cancelled your place but would like to re-join, please re-register for the course online. Alternatively, you can re-register by emailing newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or calling 01442 864966.


Why am I asked to provide feedback about a course?

Your views are important to the college. We ask that you fill either an on-line or a paper evaluation form after each course. We use your feedback to ensure we make positive changes to the services we offer. Your feedback can be collected via email, completing a feedback form or by submitting a testimonial.

Visit our privacy policy page for more information about how we store and use data in accordance with GDPR practice.

What is your complaints procedure?

Please submit any concerns and queries to newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net. We will then aim to return your email within 10 working days.


How do I submit a testimonial?

Please submit your testimonials via Newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

What is the student council and how can I contact them?

The role of the Student Council is to represent the voice of the students at the College.

As well as allowing students the facility to have their opinions heard, students can join and run the Student Council to help them grow in their personal recovery and develop their skills.

To find out more or get in touch with members of the student council, please visit our dedicated student council page. 

What is the difference between a practice tutor and lived experience tutor?

Practice tutors have specialist subject knowledge, and lived experience tutors have personal experience of using recovery appraoches to manage their mental health and wellbeing.

Both practice tutord and lived experience tutors co-produce and co-facilitate our courses and seminars together to ensure students have a quality learning experience.


How can I become a lived experience tutor?

If you are a student and would like to explore becoming a lived experience tutor, please call 01442 864966 or email newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

You may also be interested in reading lived experience tutor student sucess stories on our student development programme page.

What else can I do to aid my recovery?

We believe you are an expert in your own recovery and encourage you to take control. By attending our courses you are already on your journey, and may find the following pages helpful. 

What are the different ways to get involved?

At New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College, we believe in the power of opportunity to transform lives. Whether you’re seeking meaningful employment, looking to invest in your personal recovery, or eager to get involved in co-productions and healthcare research, you’re in the right place. No matter where you are in your journey, our opportunities are here to help you take the next step toward a brighter future. Discover more on our opportunities page.

Can I volunteer

At New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College, we believe in the power of opportunity to transform lives. Whether you’re seeking meaningful employment, looking to invest in your personal recovery, or eager to get involved in co-productions and healthcare research, you’re in the right place. No matter where you are in your journey, our opportunities are here to help you take the next step toward a brighter future. For information about volunteering, visit our opportunities page.


What is the student development programme?

The Student Development Programme (the Programme) is an excellent opportunity for students to advance in their recovery and achieve their personal goals, including those considering taking up new activities, volunteering, or employment. It is for any student at the College who want to learn more about recovery, move forward despite life’s challenges and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem. It is an extended programme of learning over several terms and is particularly suitable for students that have a lived experience of mental health challenges and feel they are in a place of recovery at the moment.

If you would like to find out more, please contact us at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

Who do I contact about courses?

Please send all course related enquiries to our team administrator at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net or call the college on 01442 864966.

How do I contact the college?

You can contact us by:

Who do I contact for support?

If you are looking for support, please contact our team administrator. They will forward your query to someone who can discuss your options. Please contact the college to discuss any support needs you may have.

Who do I contact about marketing and press

Please contact our marketing and press department at newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net

How do I support someone to join the college?

We encourage people to self-enrol into the college, however we do appreciate that some people may require a little support to access our courses.

Anyone can support someone to enrol and attend the college. Please contact us if you need any support.


Can I request information about someone I have referred?

All information we hold about our students is confidential. Therefore, we are unable to provide details about attendance or experience to anyone other than the individual themselves.


Do you have materials I can share?

Please contact our marketing department at newlef.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net for information or to request materials.


Don't see the answer you're looking for?

If you want some help to book this course, or would like to put your name down for a course that's not currently running, please get in touch with us.

Please contact us

or give us a call on:

01442 864 966