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Contact Us

Please contact us via the form below or by emailing us at if you have any queries about the college, our courses or getting involved. You can also provide us with feedback, read our FAQ's or call us on 01442 864 966. For crisis support or links for other services, you may wish to visit our further help page. To get in touch with the student council, please state ' FAO student council' in the subject line.

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Compliments and feedback

Co-production is at the heart of everything we do, and your thoughts about what we’re doing right, as well as what we can do to improve, are vital in shaping the college to meet the needs of our students. Please send any reviews, testimonials, and feedback direct to the college via the contact form on this page. Alternatively, you can send your feedback directly to our trust by emailing

Making a complaint

In the first instance, you can speak with a tutor or ask to talk to the person in charge of the team (college manager). Speaking to a team member allows us to sort things out more quickly. Alternatively, you can contact our NHS Trust PALS team. If, after talking to a staff member, or PALS, you feel that your concern has not been satisfactorily resolved, the PALS team can support you to make a formal complaint. Making a complaint will not affect the way you are treated. More information can be found in this downloadable PDF