
Your guide to good mental health

Welcome to New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College

This journal includes tools and ways of supporting your wellbeing and personal mental health recovery.

You can use this journal to:

  • Get a sense of what personal mental health recovery is and how it helps your wellbeing
  • Learn about tools that can help your wellbeing and recovery
  • Reflect on where you are now, where you want to be and how to get there
  • Inspire you, encourage your creativity and help you problem-solve


Digital skills and inclusion

Digital skills support, inclusion and IT learning resources

This page identifies resources and links to organisations and websites dedicated to helping people update their digital skills and access equipment through digital inclusion projects.

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Getting comfortable with Zoom

Getting started with Zoom

If you are looking for support on how to use Zoom to join the college, this getting started with Zoom page gives you access to written guides, videos and links to troubleshooting pages.

Disocver resources

Wellness Recovery Action Plan

How to create your own WRAP

Being in control is an essential element of Recovery; wellness planning is one way of managing your wellness. A wellness recovery action plan can help improve your wellbeing, including whilst at work, as well as support your personal Recovery. Find out more about why it's important to have your own keeping well plan and how to create one.

Create Wellness Recovery Plan

Money and mental health

Money and mental health

Mental health and money are linked. This page discusses how mental health and money can affect each other and shares information about the help available for those needing support.

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Mental health at University

How to look after your mental health at University

According to the website ‘save the student’, reports show that one in four students experience mental health challenges at university. This page discusses what contributes to poor mental health and identifies some of the ways students can support their wellbeing whilst studying.

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Men's mental health

Mental health and wellbeing resources for Men

This page offers resources and information specifically aimed at supporting men with their mental health and wellbeing. From blogs about men's health to a list of Hertfordshire-based services dedicated to supporting men, this is the place to find it. 

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Our courses

Get help with your wellbeing

Find our full list of courses; co-designed and co-delivered especially to help our students with their mental health recovery.

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