After attending numerous courses in my 2 years with the college, I feel I have developed as a person. The courses gave me information around certain topics that I could pick and choose what I think may work for me. The courses taught me the importance of baby steps and resilience which has helped me build a strong foundation to enable to move forward. I loved being part of a group who were going through similar things and I felt a sense of belonging. Hearing and sharing stories meant I was not alone in my journey.
I learnt that I do not have to define myself as a diagnosis and can dream beyond what I maybe feel I am limited to. There are no such things as indefinite boundaries.
I built up enough courage to attend the Student development programe which taught me how to become more confident, especially within my peer group setting which I then applied to daily life. It was a game changer for me. I then became involved with the college as a expert by experience, which allowed to me help out on courses as a peer tutor, administrator and class support, which I found very rewarding and motivating.
College staff were so supportive, friendly and helpful. From being the quietest in the class, I now have a sense of independence, confidence and hope, belief and direction which I initially struggled with.
The college is a unique opportunity for those who are looking to learn more about wellbeing and tools that may help in everyday life. I have now secured part-time permanent role within the NHS and I have the college to thank for getting me here.