Louisa's Experience
Louisa's Experience

From student to Marketing and Comm's officer

I completed a Marketing degree many years ago and after a lot of disappointment and heartbreak through the years, I struggled with depression which seeped into every aspect of my life; including my relationships, health and work-life. I became a shadow of myself and eventually, I reached rock bottom, losing all confidence in myself and my ability to hold down a job.

Attending the college was a huge part of my recovery. At the time I joined, I was thinking about taking my life. After four months of doing every course possible my depression completely lifted. The courses taught me about self-compassion, setting boundaries and the importance of reflection; which helped me tremendously. It also gave me the confidence to ask for support and to seek for a job that meets my values and fulfils me; something I didn’t focus on before I joined the college.

This has made a huge difference to how I enjoy my life, as after I joined the student development programme, I was offered to work at the College as the Marketing and Comms officer and I am back on track with trying to reach my work-based goals. Every day I work here, I am fulfilled. It’s a great feeling being able to promote what the college does and to actively be helping those who feel the same way I used to.